Interested in stocking or selling Bio-Energy Products?
We supply some of America's most highly regarded Doctors, Health Care Professionals, Sports Therapists & Practitioners, as well as Yoga Retreats, Spas, Hotels and Health Shops to name a few.
There are a couple of different ways in which we can provide to your customers through our affiliate and wholesale schemes.
By selling just one of our products a day, you could earn almost $1000 per month!
Follow the below link to sign up to our Affiliate Scheme where you could earn up to 15% on all orders placed under your affiliate code.

Why Partner With Us?
Over a decade of experience.
Customer Service – we believe in excellent customer service, going above and beyond. Including a human being on the other end of the telephone to answer any queries. No automated call centers.
We not only believe in our products, but we use them daily in the office, at home and in our day to day life.
Our passion is to educate and raise awareness of the benefits of grounding
We offer a full 1-year money back guarantee. There is no risk to your business.
Our products are manufactured from high quality materials and fully tested, to ensure they arrive to you or your customer defect free.
ALL of our Mats are assembled and put together in the USA by HAND.