Cables and Splitters

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Our products are designed with everyday life in mind. We only use high quality copper, aluminium and plastic in our cables and all of our products are designed to work with each other and fit together using a splitter.

None of our products should ever carry a mains generated electric current, and you should never need the resistor, but it’s there for peace of mind.

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15ft straight cable

This is our standard cable which comes supplied with almost all of our products. It comes with a built in 100 ohm resistor for peace of mind. Its flat end will fit any of our products and its bayonet end will slot directly into any of our wall plugs or splitter.

Please note that for safety reasons this cable is not recommended for use with pillows, bands or patches.

20ft coiled cable

Our 20ft coiled cable is the standard cable sold with Pillow case, Bands and Patches.. This cable will fit any of our products and slots easily into either a splitter or plug.

It comes with a built in 100 ohm resistor for peace of mind.

We recommend the use of a coiled cable over a straight cable for these products to minimise the risk of becoming tangled in the cable.


The grounding system splitter is a key feature in any extended or custom built grounding connection. Our splitter allows you to convert 2 cables into 1 single bayonet point.

Now here is the really clever bit - our splitters will also fit into other splitters meaning that you can fit multiple splitters together and create the system that works best for you.

Car Pad Cable

This cable has been designed to work with our Car Pad and Car Band products.

The cable is coiled so that if it did ever become tangled it would not interfere with the driver of the vehicle. The cable comes with a flat connection that will connect to both the Car Mat and Band as well as a crocodile clip for attaching the cable to the base of your seat.

It comes with a built in 100 ohm resistor for peace of mind.

No it doesn’t, however recent studies have shown it helps fight against the negative effects EMF’s have on the body. EMF’s (Electro-Magnetic Fields) are the Wi-Fi signals emitted from devices such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers and microwaves. You can protect yourself again these dangerous waveforms by using products such as an EMF Y-Fry Bag, available here. It is important to make sure the area you spend most of your time in, in-particular where you sleep is an EMF free zone.

Grounding helps with reducing the body voltage caused by electricity, which comes from electronic devices such as televisions, cables and computers, radios and anything electrical. Having a high voltage running through your body can cause inflammation which is why it is so important to earth yourself because so many problems and diseases are inflammation based.

lauren 11 41 April 6, 2018

11 people found this faq useful.

We test all of our grounding products twice before sending them out, this includes the plug and cable so we are very confident with the performance of our products. We also guarantee them for 1 year from the day of purchase, so we generally say after the 2 year mark we would recommend testing the products to make sure they are still working as they should be. This can be done two ways:

  1. A Continuity Tester which tests the conductivity of the sheet or mat as well as the plug and cable. The Continuity Tester is a small hand held device which will show if an area of the product has lost conductivity in which case you can try turning the product around and using a different part or side of the product or if the product is no longer conducting at all and you will need to buy a replacement. 
  2. The second is with a Body Voltage Meter, this tester not only shows that the product is working but also you can see with your own eyes how much the voltage running through your body drops by on the digital screen. 
dev 11 61 November 28, 2017

11 people found this faq useful.

Everyone reacts differently when they first start grounding meaning some people will feel the benefits almost immediately and others may take up to a few months. In scientific tests and research it shows that as little as 30 minutes grounded will show internal changes and benefits in-particular to your blood.

Ideally we would be earthed 24/7, but daily life gets in the way, so if you’re able to do at least 30 minutes a day this will be a great starting point. It is important to sleep earthed as we spend a large proportion of our time spent in bed and this is when our body’s naturally rest and recover so being earthed during this period will help in every way.

For some people they can ground for 3 months or so and not feel a huge difference, however when they stop, or go on holiday without taking the products with them it seems to be then that they notice just how much they are benefiting from being earthed.

dev 7 49 November 28, 2017

7 people found this faq useful.

No, they are exactly the same thing.

dev 9 37 June 12, 2016

9 people found this faq useful.

They will both provide the same benefits, however there are different benefits to each depending on your set up.

  1. Connecting your product via a plug and socket is the easiest and most convenient way and because the products don’t need electricity to work, you can keep the sockets switched off. If you don’t have a socket nearby you can also use earthed extension leads to help get the best set up for you and your product.
  2. We highly recommend the grounding rod if you are electro sensitive, are camping or caravanning where you don’t have access to an earthed socket or would prefer to connect your product via a grounding rod as personal preference. The grey cable that comes with the grounding rod is armoured to withstand extreme weather conditions as well as being placed in a window or door frame and having the window or door opening and closing on it. The cable is 43ft long, plus the white cable that comes with the product which is 15ft so in total you will have a 58ft long cable to travel from the grounding rod to the product.
dev 7 32 November 28, 2017

7 people found this faq useful.

The grounding products will only work if the socket you are using is earthed, so it is important to know that the wall socket, adapter or extension lead you want to use is earthed. Legally properties in the US have to be earthed, however if you would still like to check for peace of mind you can do this with a Socket Tester. Not all countries have a legal requirement for properties to be earthed so if you are using your grounding products abroad we always recommend taking a socket tester and earthed travel adapter with you to test the socket you want to use.

dev 7 36 November 28, 2017

7 people found this faq useful.

There are numerous reasons why it is important to ground yourself and some of the benefits include better sleep, pain relief and protection again the effects of EMF to name a few. One of the most important benefits for us is the anti-inflammatory benefits grounding brings. So many health problems are inflammation based these days such as arthritis, heart disease, asthma, sprains and strains amongst a long list of others so to tackle the root of the problem is extremely important and with inflammation reduction being one of the most obvious benefits of grounding it makes sense to introduce it as part of your daily life.

lauren 8 32 April 5, 2018

8 people found this faq useful.

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